Our adventures began in 2003, as we participated together in Drama Club and various One Act plays at Devine High School. We became friends, then crushes, then boyfriend and girlfriend. :) On the 6th year of dating, to the day, we became husband and wife! And we've never been happier!
We started our blog in August 2009, when we started our first Food Pak Challenge! Oak Hills Church together with Children's Hunger Fund in San Antonio had just launched their 10,000 Food Pak Campaign! We decided that the best way to learn about the needs of the hungry in our community would to be eat from the Food Pak that was a crititcal part of CHF's ministry. And since the price of the Food Pak was way less than what we had been spending on food, we were able to donate over 10 Food Paks to the campaign!
We had such a moving and inspiring experience with that project, that we decided to do it again! After that, we knew we could never go back to "normal". Our grocery budget in 2010 was set at $20/2 weeks and we continued to share our experiences each Monday in our "Menu Monday" posts. It was a great year and it allowed us to give to and raise awareness for other food and water organizations.
In May 2011 we moved back home to San Antonio (from Houston)! Our hearts and efforts were being poured into this great city and we just couldn't stay away any longer. :)
We hope you enjoy reading along with us as we love life and discover new adventures!
Check out our other blogs to find out more about us!
Frankie's Blog ~ thebrownduckblog.blogspot.com
Taylor's Blog ~ justaylor.blogspot.com