Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Gift for You!

We love comments! And we have received a lot of great ones. You always encourage and support us with the love you show by leaving us messages. Some of our favorite comments to read are from our friend Anonymous, it's so unexpected and excites us so much when He/She stops by. ;)

Yesterday we received a comment from someone who has just found us- those are always the best, and to that reader we wanted to say "Welcome!" We hope you stay and we wanted to tell you that we have a big announcement in the works for next year that you may be interested in following...

So in appreciation to all of our readers we thought we would give you a gift! And since the FoodPak was one of our first adventures we thought it would be fun to donate one in your name- to our readers! You have made our experience so much fun, and we are so thankful that you have given your time to stop by. :)

Hope you like it! And we pray this one goes far!

Merry Christmas from taylorandfrankie!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Creativity

Christmas is just around the corner and we are so busy making gifts for family and friends along with getting ready for our Christmas adventure up North! (More on that later!) This year we decided to give everyone on our list a donation to a charity or organization that fits them best paired with a home made gift (or something inexpensive that was wished for)! We are having so much fun spending time together, making these secret things and can't wait to to share what we did for everyone! But they have to open it first.... and before that we have to finish making them...

If you are doing something fun this year to join in the spirit of Advent Conspiracy let us know! We would love you hear your creative ideas! (To read some really awesome ideas, check out this blog post and all the great comments of how others are Doing Things Differently!)

And if you want to join in on the giving, here are a few places we like:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chump Change for Pump Change!

So we have been visiting Ecclesia for a few weeks and we really like it. Their messages just keep capturing us every time we go and we leave excited and eager to change things around us. During this season of advent, they are focusing on true peace, shalom, in our families, neighborhoods, cities and how the birth of Christ can bring it.

During this season of Worshipping Fully and Giving More we are excited about joining in on their latest project! On Sunday they launched “Chump Change for Pump Change”. So for the rest of the year we will be collecting our loose change in jars and on January 10th, in celebration of Epiphany, we will turn that change over to Ecclesia and they will use that to build clean water wells in India! If you want to help us out we will be carrying a bag with the Chump Change for Pump Change with us everywhere we go. Just find us and drop in a few pennies. (Journey people we will be at 9 o’clock – hint hint ;) ) Or if you want to start your own jar, we have more stickers!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Seed-A-Need Update

We've been keeping our eyes open for Needs to Seed, but before we could get one, we were unexpectedly Seeded!! LOL!!

We woke up early yesterday to take Frankie's car to the shop to get some work done, but due to the snow, (the wonderful, glorious, magnificent snow!), all of the car windows were iced!!! Because we live in Texas we were quite unprepared for this! As we stood around scratching our heads, a neighbor, who was on his way out, ran back upstairs and returned with a can of "De-ice". This small random act of kindness saved the day!

So, we were Seeded... and now we have a great oppurtunity to meet our neighbor when we return the can to thank him!

So thanks God for the snow and all of the seeds that sprouted from it! :)

(If you look closely, you can see our kind neighbor in the background, running back upstairs! Thank you!!)