Monday, March 15, 2010

Menu Monday

Today is another great Menu Monday! We finished up all of our Big Lots finds yesterday... well today. The one item we had left that was untouched from the last four weeks was one $.33 bag of fideo. (We cooked it for dinner today. ;) ) So now we begin a new cycle! Yesterday we went grocery shopping, and after four weeks of "Meals in a box" we were ready for some freshness!! Apples, bananas, lettuce, potatoes, cheese, milk, eggs, flour, a few bags of frozen vegetables, olive oil, and a bag of pepperonis, all the things on our grocery list, and we made it out of there almost on budget… $.27 over…(should have only got one $.28 bag of frozen vegetables!) A few things that we had to put back- jelly, salad dressing, spaghetti, and a box of mac and cheese- BOO!!!

With the items we did get, plus surplus of what's been hanging out in the pantry, we should be set to make most of the things we need. A few things that I am looking forward to making this week is pizza crust for home made pizza, bread, bread sticks, croutons, and salad dressing! We will be putting the "More-with-Less" cook book we got for Christmas to the test!

I love the fact that flour, yeast, butter, sugar, salt, more flour, and more flour, make bread! I love the process of making it, the time it takes for it to set, waiting for it to rise, the smell that it makes when it is baking, and then waking Taylor up to try the first piece, due to the fact that I work till 6 and don’t get around to starting till about 9 or 10. We will definitely keep you posted on how some of these things turn out during the week.

Another thing that we will be doing soon is making our February donation to a food/water based organization, which will be a post of its own I’m sure. Also, if you didn’t see last week we posted something in the middle of the week - "Wordless Wednesday". It is something that Taylor’s mom does over at and we enjoy it so much that we decided to take part! (Most of the time it will just be a picture, hence the wordless part. ;) ) "Thankful Thursday" is something else we've considered making a part of our weekly blogging... It’s sometimes a lot to fit in- between homework, studying, work, church, friends, and family, but we enjoy sharing with you so much. :) We are both so blessed, knowing that you come to check in on us from time to time. Thank you for caring about what we are sharing. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


  1. Great post Frankie! I could almost smell the homemade bread while you were describing it, mmmmm! Great job stretching that Big L*ots stuff, guys. Wow. Looking forward to seeing your February donation pick.

    Love you guys~

    One proud Mom :)

  2. Love More with Less Cookbook. My favorite recipe is Vietnam Fried Rice, the Chow Mein recipe is great, but my mom modified the veggies in it some. The cheese fondue recipe is a family favorite. My mom also made the crusty mexican bean bake. I dug her old cookbook out of the trash when she replaced it with a new one. Have fun! :o)!
