Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Imagine Heaven

Twitter is a constant encouragement to us. We follow writers, pastors, friends, and organizations. There are many tweets weekly that really inspire us. Here is what is on our mind today.

@PastorChrisSeay: Heaven is not a place on earth, and never taking the time to imagine it would be a very sad thing.

Chris has been preaching on Heaven for the past few weeks, and what the Bible says we can expect. He has been emphasizing the fact that we are not people of Earth, but should look forward to our final destination.The church collectively created a play list of great songs that also help us think about what Heaven might be like. We put a few on the playlist below.

What do you think of when you think of Heaven? Have any songs that you would add to the list?

If you would like to hear any of the sermons on Heaven, the links from Ecclesia Houston are below.

1 comment:

  1. great quote by your pastor....max did a great sermon series on heaven a few years ago that i still go back to. one point he made was that we should take time daily to think about heaven...i dont do it enough, but it is good when i do :)

    the song play list wouldnt load, but i'd love to see that list of songs!
